A downloadable bonanza for Windows

Made some music, Wanted to make something to Go with it, so I've been trying to teach myself basic Unity stuff!  I'll be Releasing more soon, and may even still edit this It's just been sitting on my laptop in it's Current state for almost a month And I haven't Touched it!

This bonanza (or, "concept bonanza") is about delusions.


I Was Gone.zip 193 MB


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For anyone wondering about the "i was gone_data" error message, click the gear next to the Launch button, then Manage, Open in Explorer, and in the program folder there's a folder "I was gone take 1_data", rename it to "I was gone_data".

Thank you - fixed it!

Hi, I think there's a problem with the windows download. It says unityplayer.dll is missing, I think you have to upload a zip of the folder the game is in and not just the exe.

Hey! Thanks for letting me know, I will get on fixing that right away.  This was my first project, so I figured something might've gotten messed up.  I will reply again as soon as this is fixed!

(1 edit)

Hey! Just commenting to let you know that this should be fixed?  Thanks for reaching out!